Day 8 / #100DaysOfWeb3 verify Contract on Etherscan

Day 8 / #100DaysOfWeb3 verify Contract on Etherscan

Today, I will learn how to verify my Smart Contract on Etherscan

I used this tutorial from Web3 University, write by Sumi Mudgil, Engineer at Alchemy for today's learning.

Previous days, I have learned how to deploy and interact with smart contracts. Also, I learn more about the structure of a contract. The next step of my challenge is to verify my source code on Etherscan. It will be then visible and interactable for anyone.

Generate an API Key on my Etherscan account

  • I Click on my profile button

Screenshot (152).png

  • In "API KEYS" Menu, I clicked on Add

Screenshot (155).png

  • Then, I have my API KEY

Screenshot (156)_LI.jpg

Hardhat-deployed smart contracts

Install the hardhat-etherscan plugin

Following these steps, I install hardhat-etherscan to my project :

npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan

Verify my smart contract on Etherscan

I checked if my CONTRACT_ADDRESS is the address where I deployed smart contract on the Ropsten test network.

I use this command line

npx hardhat verify --network ropsten 0x175254C1dB87023609e6B6776Ad68C0DB10dC4Ce "Hello World!"

Screenshot (160).png