Day 10 / #100DaysOfWeb3 decentralized storage

Day 10 / #100DaysOfWeb3 decentralized storage

Today, I will learn about decentralized storage used for dApps.

Decentralization means that no central authority controls the information stored in the network. Thus, blockchain technology offers unique opportunities for decentralized storage solutions. it can support secure and private sharing of data across multiple nodes.

This decentralization provides a safe and secure way to store large amounts of confidential information. Additionally, there is no single point of failure as the system operates without a central server.

For example, one of the most popular solutions used for NFT asset storage is the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). It is a distributed file system that allows content creators to upload their data directly to the network, without relying on third-party servers. There is no risk their data will disappear one day from a unique source.

Here is a summary table of the other most common DStorage:
